-Vigili del Fuoco Volontari Senale
Freiwillige Feuerwehr Unsere Liebe Frau Im Walde
Mercedes Benz Sprinter II serie
Allestitore Kofler Fahrzeugbau S.n.c.
24-1518Република България
Софийска Полиция
Great Wall Voleex C10
24-1518Република България
Софийска Полиция
Great Wall Voleex C10
Polizia Locale YA603AJPolizia Locale
Provincia di Rieti
Great Wall Hover 5
Allestitore Projet Service S.r.l.
-Република България
Great Wall Hover H5
-Protezione Civile
Comune di Abano Terme
Great Wall Wingle 5
-Associazione Nazionale Carabinieri
Great Wall Steed 5
101Commonwealth of Australia
NSW Fire + Rescue
Sidney Station 001
Ladder Platform
Scania P420
Conversion by Alexander Perrie / Bronto Skylift
CLM720Commonwealth of Australia
New South Wales Police
Volkswagen Passat II generation (USA Market)
-Република България
Great Wall Hover H5
-Protezione Civile
Comune di Abano Terme
Great Wall Wingle 5
-Associazione Nazionale Carabinieri
Great Wall Steed 5
226 "Flyer"Commonwealth of Australia
NSW Fire + Rescue
Sidney Station 001
Rescue Pumper
Scania P320
SC2Commonwealth of Australia
New South Wales Police
Holden Colorado II generation
-Република България
Great Wall Hover H5
-Associazione Nazionale Carabinieri
Great Wall Steed 5
257 "Runner"Commonwealth of Australia
NSW Fire + Rescue
Sidney Station 001
Rescue Pumper
Scania P320
SC300Commonwealth of Australia
New South Wales Police
Holden Commodore V generation
-Associazione Nazionale Carabinieri
Great Wall Steed 5
258 "Rescue"Commonwealth of Australia
NSW Fire + Rescue
Sidney Station 001
Rescue Pumper
Scania P320
-Commonwealth of Australia
New South Wales Police
Toyota Hiace VI generation
Polizia Locale YA313ADPolizia Municipale
Comune di Pistoia
Great Wall Hover 5
305Commonwealth of Australia
NSW Fire + Rescue
ST Marys Station 077
Rescue Pumper
Scania P320
Polizia Locale YA313ADPolizia Municipale
Comune di Pistoia
Great Wall Hover 5
923Commonwealth of Australia
NSW Fire + Rescue
SEV (Service Exchange Vehicle)
Heavy Rescue
Isuzu FVD1000